Can attorneys use the free version of the BOI evaluation and assessment tool?

Answer Question
I see BOI-Labs is permitting companies to access your tool for free, but are you permitting attorneys to use it as well, or are you requiring that attorneys purchase the service from you?
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Posted by Inquiring Attorney
Asked on December 31, 2023 8:50 pm
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Thank you for your question.  The answer is YES, our system is available for anyone to use, for free, anonymously, no questions asked.

Why do we do this?  For several reasons.  First, we think it's likely you'll come back to us for other assistance in areas not related to your practice and/or maybe refer clients our way.  Second, you'll become familiar with how our system works, and possibly start using other systems we have.  Third and finally, while an attorney may not necessarily be interested in the "next steps", companies and individual users may certainly be.  This gives us the ability to "upsell" to folks, and we view it as a strong lead-gen for our partner law firm (currently Law 4 Small Business).

What incentive is there for an attorney, law firm or service provider to pay BOI-Labs for a customized version of our software, versus just using it themselves for free?

We believe the upsell is rather significant (on the results / analysis screen), and we've seen time-and-again that clients and customers are willing to pay a premium for higher-quality service and documents.  If we charge a flat-fee (to attorneys) or a de-minis per-use fee (to service providers), we believe both attorneys and service providers can charge significantly more to their clients and customers.

For example, we charge $0.99 per use (to service providers) for the BOI Compliance Evaluation and Assessment system.  We believe clients and customers will pay significantly more ($9.99 for access to the same system).  As another example, Law 4 Small Business has been charging clients $99 for access to our Operating Agreement Generator, which is significantly more than what we charge Law 4 Small Business.  Furthermore, Law 4 Small Business has reported that attorneys are using the system, and charging their clients in turn, upwards of $5,000.

So, please use our BOI Compliance Evaluation and Assessment for free, as many times as you want and need.  If you find yourself using it often, you'll probably wish it did X instead of what it's currently doing.  At that point, you may consider contacting us to discuss customization and branding for your law firm.

Thank you again for your inquiry.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 3)
Answered on December 31, 2023 9:02 pm
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