For Attorneys

Utilize the world's most powerful analysis and evaluation tool for FinCEN Beneficial Ownership Information reporting compliance.  It helps extract the right information from clients, and produces an analysis that needs to be reviewed by an attorney.

Aside from matching your firm's branding, the program can send clients to your website for more information, as well as the call-to-actions on the final analysis screen.


BOI Compliance Evaluation and Assessment

We wrote the world's most sophisticated evaluation and assessment for BOI Compliance.  Allow your clients and customers to answer questions, and receive a high-quality assessment with "next steps" that push them back to you for more services.

Operating Agreement Generator

If your organization creates LLC's, stand out from the crowd and increase revenues by offering high-end, high-quality, highly customized Operating Agreements with our system.  Customers will pay extra for a high-quality document.

Client and Customer BOI Maintenance and Tracking

Maximize recurring revenues by utilizing our tools to allow your organization to keep track of thousands of clients' BOI data, with alerts, reports and tracking.  Remove the annoyance and uncertainty for your clients and customers.

Bylaws & Shareholder Agreement

Written for Incorporators of all types, whether Service Providers or Attorneys.  Our expert system produces a high-quality, highly customized MS Word version of Bylaws, Shareholder Agreement, Corporate Resolutions Template, Stock Certificate, and Instructions.

BOI Reporting for Initial and Updated Reports

BOI-Labs does not compete with its customers, and therefore does not offer this service.  If your organization wishes to partner with another vendor to provide these services to your clients and customers, please contact one of our customers (listed below).

Lease Generator for Commercial Properties

In Beta, scheduled for general release end of 1Q2024.  Contact us for more information, if interested.  We are Lawyers Who Code.

Our Feature Set & Value-Add

Answers if Reporting Company, and Who are the Beneficial Owners

Let's face it, it's not too difficult to answer these questions with simple setups and company configurations.  It becomes much harder when the company is not setup properly, or the client sits on edge-cases.  BOI-Labs helps identify the edge-cases, and greatly reduce the time associated with BOI Compliance.

Sophisticated Class and Subclass Support

Our expert system supports from 0 to 10 classes, with up to 4 subclasses.  The classes are independently evaluates, per FinCEN guidelines, and work appropriately no matter how company ownership is maintained (i.e. discrete shares/units versus percentage ownership).  The system determines the appropriate evaluation method to use, based on the structure of the company.

Fully Supports FinCEN's Small Entity Compliance Guide

FinCEN has done a great job spelling out the issues, providing flow-carts, and identifying edge cases.  We wrote our expert system to be tightly coupled FinCEN's approach.  Our questions and assessment can be verified side-by-side with the Small Entity Compliance Guide, reducing errors and headaches.

Updated (usually) Within 48-Hours of FinCEN Changes

While we cannot promise to always have the system updated within 48-hours of a FinCEN change, we will try our hardest.  It's important to have a system we can rely on, without having to second-guess whether the system is not just producing an accurate result, but that it supports the latest rules, regulations and interpretations coming from FinCEN.

Supports Direct and Indirect Ownership

Direct ownership is easy, but indirect ownership can be challenging and confusing.  For example, the direct ownership of a company always totals to 100%, but there is no such limitation for indirect ownership.  Our expert system does its best to identify these issues, and explain them.  It also supports future ownership interest, as required by FinCEN.

Provides Helpful Tips and Guidance Throughout

Types of entities, tax status, ownership, classes and more, can be very confusing, even for the most learned lawyer, let alone business leaders.  Therefore, our expert system does its best to help instruct, guide, flag problems, issue warnings, and double-check answers.  There are over 100 ways the system stops itself, and recommends attorney review.

Supports Non-Standard Company Setups

As Lawyers Who Code, we've been there and done that.  As corporate lawyers with decades of experience, we've seen instances over and again, where companies are simply not setup correctly.  S-Corps with multiple classes.  Ownership claimed to be at 0%.  Percentage ownership interest and shares issued at the same time.  Our expert system tries its best to accept such difficulties, flag them, and moves on.

Supports Shares, Units, Percentage Ownership and More

Companies are setup in a variety of different ways, especially in today's world of Unlicensed Legal Providers who don't give a lot of advice to their clients on the right way to setup a company and its tax status.  We wrote our expert system to be flexible and work with the variety of different ways a company can be setup and configured.

Participate in the Discussions

Are you an attorney, and want to participate in the Discussions?  Only validly licensed attorneys and verified subject matter experts are permitted to answer questions.  If you're an attorney (or subject matter expert), please go to the "Suggest an Advisor" link (in the dropdown under Discussions in our Menu), we'll verify and permit you to participate without being moderated -- we just ask you adhere to our Acceptable Use (located in our Terms of Service).

asked 10 months ago by Inquiring Attorney
updated 10 months ago by
Category: For Attorneys
asked 10 months ago by Inquiring Attorney
updated 10 months ago by
Category: For Attorneys
asked 10 months ago by
updated 10 months ago by
Category: Announcements

Have More Questions?

We're posting updated information all the time, and post many articles that do a deep-dive into the latest issues.

You can also post comments (moderated) in our blog, although the Discussions is a better area for Q&A.

We have a moderated Q&A Forum (called the Discussions).  Anyone can submit a Question, although we only permit licensed attorneys and verified subject-matter experts to Answer questions.  This helps ensure high-quality and professional responses.

Please contact us, and we'll be happy to discuss how BOI-Labs could be of help to you and your practice, and the costs behind customizing our services to mee the needs of your firm and your clients.